With the first round of voting completed in Macedonia’s presidential elections, Cvetin and Jason discuss the results of the vote including why SDSM/DUI candidate Stevo Pendarovski didn’t do as well as he thought he would and why he is tone deaf. They look into the past (not quite the Chestertonian/Burkean past, but more recent past elections), talk about possible outcomes in the second round of voting on May 5, touch on why VMRO candidate Gordana Siljanovska is the best woman for the job of president, and lightly comment on NATO/EU membership for Macedonia, along with their firm belief that the entire so-called Prespa Agreement will one day be flushed down the crapper. All of that plus our Farmers Picks!
Music by:
- Mizar (Pocesna strelba - Last salute)
Our Farmer's Picks -
That US Embassy tweet - https://twitter.com/USEmbassySkopje/s...
GoT, duh
With gratitude to Mark Steyn for inspiring the podcast name
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