“Love is love” is a lazy argument
Finally, “Pride Month” has ended. Or has it? Rachel Levine, born Richard Levine, the United States Assistant Secretary for Health, declared it a “summer of pride.” Granted, Rachel is a man wearing a dress and he should be in prison for advocating the mutilation of children. More on that, below.
Either way, this madness continues. And in this madness, I want to tackle the main assertion of the LGBT++++ cult namely, and to use their own words, “love is love.” It’s a stupid, banal, and lazy argument that they are putting forward in their shrill demands. Here’s why:
If “love is love,” should a 15-year-old girl, who says she is in love with a 29-year-old man, be allowed to live together, sleep together, do everything together? Should a 15-year-old boy who says he is in love with a 29-year-old man, be allowed to live together, sleep together, do everything together? Should a 15-year-old girl, who says she is in love with a 29-year-old woman, be allowed to live together, sleep together, do everything together? There are real life examples of this.
The answer, for most sane people, is “Absolutely not. These are children who cannot make their own decisions yet.” Quite right. However, there are some on the progressive left who will say “Of course they should be allowed to because they love each other!” in whatever combination. Individuals who support this should be properly labeled “supporters of pedophilia” or, if they practice it themselves, pedophiles.
Now, ask those same people who say that the above ages and sexes living together is wrong and then ask them if that 15-year-old boy, who thinks he is a girl, or that 15-year-old girl, who thinks she is a boy, should be allowed to “transition” to the opposite sex. Those people, like Mr. Rachel Levine above, will say “Absolutely!” Which is why he should be in prison. If told the child’s parents object, they will say something along the lines of “The state should intervene and take the children away.” This is all done under the Orwellian phrase of providing the children with “gender-affirming care,” in which, to take our example above, the 15-year-old girl will be put on various hormonal treatments and then have her breasts cut off. The 15-year-old boy will be put on various hormonal treatments and then will have his penis and testicles surgically removed. I probably do not need to point out that these surgeries are life-altering and irreversible.
So, which is it? Should our 15-year-olds be allowed – nay, encouraged – to submit themselves to life-altering irreversible surgeries but not be allowed to sleep with, in our example, older men and women? Is “love is love” or is it not?
To those who say “love is love” but then hesitate to allow that 15-year-old to “love whomever they want” well, then, I guess the “love is love” argument starts to fail, as it should. Add to this mix something else: what if one man says he loves three women (all above the age of 18)? Or one woman says she loves three men (all above the age of 18)? After all, their argument could justifiably be “love is love.” Most people would say “no” to that arrangement, at least in a legally binding marriage. So, in these cases, “love is not love” and we have now put boundaries and limits in place.
Funny thing: for the proper functioning and flourishing of any society, one needs boundaries and limits in life. We have them – and live by them – every day of our lives. So, if, to take our examples above, there are limits to this “love is love” thing, then we agree, at a minimum, that we need to have a debate about where those boundaries and limits are and that this should not be dictated from above. In Macedonian society, most Macedonians – of whatever ethnic background – agree that those limits and boundaries should be, that in marriage at least, we have what most societies, going back to the dawn of mankind have agreed on: marriage is between one man and one woman.
Going back to the transition issue: if a grown man or grown woman wants to transition to the opposite sex, then that is their business: let your freak flag fly! There are plenty of moral lepers whose day job is that of surgeon, willing to violate their Hippocratic Oath because there is a ton of money involved in this industry, and yes, it is an industry. But when it comes to kids: hands off. Go to jail, go directly to jail. Having said this, Macedonians will see, more and more, a push to allow children to transition to the opposite sex when what they really need is time off to think about this, loving parents or other family members to help them navigate the awkward teenage years, and a firmer foundation in reality.
The Macedonian Orthodox Church – of which I am a member – has recently come under fire by the usual leftists and progressives in and out of Macedonia for their support of something practiced by most of humanity since the dawn of time – marriage between a man and a woman (even the ancient and pagan Romans did not endorse same-sex-marriage – look it up). It is also under attack from people such as President Pendarovski, probably being encouraged by the US Embassy. This is a typical pattern for Western countries. The leftists/progressives attack faith, tradition, and family, and accuse those who practice and adhere to faith, tradition, and family, as bigots, homophobes, transphobes, etc. These people must be defeated and that should be done through persuasion and rational arguments.
The problem with our leftist/progressive friends is that they really don’t have any good arguments and don’t want to bother with the persuasion part, and they increasingly want to ram all this nonsense down the throats of everyone else. Don’t let them. Use logic and sound arguments (something they lack) along with satire and ridicule when and where necessary, while remaining firm and steadfast in what you know is right in your faith, history, and tradition. Above all, make sure your children are grounded in truth. And remember: there are no permanent victories or permanent losses – the fight never ends.