Macedonian Content Farmers Podcast
Macedonian Content Farmers Podcast
Macedonian Content Farmers Podcast, Episode 167: Tirana accuses Pristina of meddling in Skopje

Macedonian Content Farmers Podcast, Episode 167: Tirana accuses Pristina of meddling in Skopje

The Albanian nationalist cause strikes another major victory in the Balkans, as former UCK commander Talat Xhaferi is named the first Albanian Prime Minister of Macedonia. If SDSM and DUI have their way, Xhaferi may remain in this position for a while, or may continue in this role for the next two years, as a politically elected Prime Minister - this is apparently the concession that SDSM is willing to make to DUI in exchange for their votes in the approaching elections.

This marriage made in Langley heaven is threatened by the opposition Albanian parties who are teaming up and plan to challenge DUI and its leader Ali Ahmeti. Hilarity ensues as Ahmeti - and his mentor, Albanian Prime Minister Edi Rama - accuse the Albanian opposition, and their mentor, Kosovan Prime Minister Albin Kurti, of interfering in Macedonia's internal affairs. Meanwhile, Macedonians are nowhere to be seen or consulted about the running of what was, until less then a decade ago, their nation state.

Join us for the latest episode of the Macedonian Content Farmers podcast where we discuss this major development.

Music by:

- Mizar (Pocesna strelba - Last salute)

With gratitude to Mark Steyn for giving us the idea for the podcast name