If you are a fan of the so-called Prespa agreement which was rammed down the throats of Macedonians to appease Greece, change Macedonia’s name and identity, and usher Macedonia into NATO (where its new abbreviation is the very wrong “NM”) then you probably should be a fan of what Bulgaria is attempting to do to Macedonia now. Former foreign minister Nikola Dimitrov, one of the authors of that agreement with Greece, has been speaking out against what Bulgaria is attempting to do – but my question is: why? Didn’t he know that this would happen? I mean, he is not a stupid man. Perhaps he truly believes in Utopia (a word that literally means “no place”) but surely, he should have seen this coming, right?
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Bulgaria follows Greece
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If you are a fan of the so-called Prespa agreement which was rammed down the throats of Macedonians to appease Greece, change Macedonia’s name and identity, and usher Macedonia into NATO (where its new abbreviation is the very wrong “NM”) then you probably should be a fan of what Bulgaria is attempting to do to Macedonia now. Former foreign minister Nikola Dimitrov, one of the authors of that agreement with Greece, has been speaking out against what Bulgaria is attempting to do – but my question is: why? Didn’t he know that this would happen? I mean, he is not a stupid man. Perhaps he truly believes in Utopia (a word that literally means “no place”) but surely, he should have seen this coming, right?