It should come as no surprise to Macedonians or friends of Macedonia who follow the news and events there, that Macedonia is in decline in many ways. One of those, which is vital to any Macedonian regardless of ethnicity or any other category of identity, is in the realm of the economy. Everyone feels the pain of inflation, increased prices for basic items, the rising costs of electricity and petrol, and more. Such things cut across lines of political party affiliation, ethnic identification, gender, age, religious affiliation – everything. The SDS/DUI government can talk all it wants to about what they are doing in terms of the economy, but the facts remain: people are hurting. They are worried about being able to put food on the table and feed their kids. They are worried about being able to buy clothing for their children. And they are probably cutting back on basic small luxuries in life, like a weekend vacation. And yet the current government ignores all of this.
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It should come as no surprise to Macedonians or friends of Macedonia who follow the news and events there, that Macedonia is in decline in many ways. One of those, which is vital to any Macedonian regardless of ethnicity or any other category of identity, is in the realm of the economy. Everyone feels the pain of inflation, increased prices for basic items, the rising costs of electricity and petrol, and more. Such things cut across lines of political party affiliation, ethnic identification, gender, age, religious affiliation – everything. The SDS/DUI government can talk all it wants to about what they are doing in terms of the economy, but the facts remain: people are hurting. They are worried about being able to put food on the table and feed their kids. They are worried about being able to buy clothing for their children. And they are probably cutting back on basic small luxuries in life, like a weekend vacation. And yet the current government ignores all of this.