In Dostoevsky’s “The Adolescent,” his character Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky states, “A man cannot live without worshipping something; without worshipping, he cannot bear the burdens of himself. And that goes for every man. So that if a man rejects God, he will have to worship an idol that is made of wood, gold, or ideas. So those who think they don’t need God are really just idol worshippers, and that’s what we should call them.”
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Worshipping the idol of democracy
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In Dostoevsky’s “The Adolescent,” his character Makar Ivanovich Dolgoruky states, “A man cannot live without worshipping something; without worshipping, he cannot bear the burdens of himself. And that goes for every man. So that if a man rejects God, he will have to worship an idol that is made of wood, gold, or ideas. So those who think they don’t need God are really just idol worshippers, and that’s what we should call them.”